You might have heard the term 'Slow Food' but what exactly is it? The Slow Food USA website states it succinctly as, "Slow Food is...simply about taking the time to slow down
and to enjoy life with family and friends."
Kathleen and I love a good meal spent langorously with friends. Kathleen's fantastic cooking skills have made for some wonderful meals! But in addition to returning to the lifestyle of actually taking the time to enjoy one's food with family and friends, Slow Food is also about finding out where our food comes from and making food purchase choices that are more local. So, instead of buying fruit jetted in from New Zealand, making the choice to buy seasonal fruit at your local market or farmer's market. Community and personal gardens are another sign of the Slow Food lifestyle, providing really local food for the table!
There is a local chapter of the Slow Food movement but Fort Lauderdale happens to have a restaurant, Christine's, that focuses in the Slow Food approach to food and dining.
Bueno appetite!