Chinese drywall used in home building in Florida between 2004 and 2008 is found to be having a toxic and corrosive effect! The drywall is emitting high levels of sulfur gases, causing reactions in both people and the copper piping and metal objects in the home.
Besides egg-like smells in some homes and some home owners reporting health problems, the other main problem occuring is the corrosion of copper piping, in particular affecting heating and cooling units with this corrosion.
But, don't be duped by offers that have cropped up for your own 'personal home test kit' or suggestions that you need an expert to come in determine the safety of your drywall. These 'test kits' don't prove you have tained drywall, and there are no quick fixes for the toxic drywall other than removal. Simply calling your home's contractor or getting a contractor to come in and check the drywall is easiest. You can even go in your attic and remove some of the insulation and see if the words Made In China are on the back of the drywall.
If you discover you do have Chinese drywall in your home, you have to decide if you want to have it removed. But make sure any wiring that has corroded in your home due to this issue is also replaced, and best to hire a licensed Florida contractor.
To file a complaint: Attorney General's fraud hot line at 866-966-7226