Understanding Your Insurance During Hurricane Season
Hurricane season runs from mid May to November, and homeowners should be on high alert to protect their property from potential weather-related damage. One key thing homeowners can do to prepare is be sure they fully understand their insurance coverage.
Is your coverage up to date?
Ensure your insurance coverage reflects the current condition of your home. If you've done anything that increases the value of your home or its contents, like building an addition or remodeling, you should immediately talk with your insurance agent to decide if your current insurance is sufficient.
Do you have coverage for additional living expenses?
This coverage is intended to help pay for the additional cost of living away from home if your house is uninhabitable due to a covered loss. This may include payments for the additional costs of food and a place to stay. Additional living expenses may or may not already be included in your homeowners policy. Talk to your insurance agent about what coverages are available to you.
Do you have flood coverage?
Following Hurricane Harvey, FEMA reported 80 percent of Harvey victims did not have flood insurance. Most homeowners policies do not usually cover flood damage. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is the primary source for flood insurance in the United States. You can go to their website at www.floodsmart.gov or contact your insurance provider for more information. NOTE: There is often a 30-day waiting period after you buy a flood insurance policy before flood coverage takes effect.
Do you have comprehensive car coverage?
If your car is damaged by anything other than a collision, like a falling tree, collision coverage may not protect you. You'll also need comprehensive coverage on your auto policy. Most comprehensive auto policies provide coverage for vehicles damaged by floods or rising water. And if you have to leave your car at the shop, you'll also want to consider rental car coverage.
Source: Allstate Insurance
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